We will be closed shipping from 28th Dec 2024 through 9th Jan 2025 for the winter holiday


Look at this. Amazingly the chimney is still there since 1666...

We call it HOME IN THE UK, but before we were showcasing our socks from there, The Truman Brewery was a VERY important industry for the area and the UK. Truman's was founded in 1666 when Brick Lane was just a track flanked by fields. The brewery grew as East London grew and then beyond. For a brief time in the 1800s it was the biggest brewery in the world - it sent Imperial Stout to the Russian court and IPA to the British Raj.

我らのロンドンショールームは、17世紀半ば世界最大のビール醸造所だった、東ロンドンのOld Truman Brewery跡地にあります。よく見慣れた東ロンドンのこの景色、私はここに来ると気分が良くなります。350年も前からずっとここにある煙突で、その歴史に思いを馳せるとなんだかジーンときちゃいますよね。

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